International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

and Machine Learning Research

CAIMLR 2024 | Singapore | September 28-29, 2024


CAIMLR | 新加坡 | 2024年9月28-29日

Track3-Machine Learning

Chairman: Prof. Pingyi FAN (Tsinghua University)

Dr. Fan is currently a professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His main research interests include B5G technology in wireless communications, such as MIMO, OFDMA, network coding, network information theory, and machine learning and big data analysis.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

-Machine Learning Techniques for Big Data Analytics.
-Reinforcement Learning and Autonomous Systems.
-Supervised Learning Algorithms and Applications.
-Natural Language Processing.
-Speech and Natural Language Processing.
-Computational Theories of Learning.
-Transfer Learning in Image Processing.
-ML in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications.
-AI and Machine Learning for Signal Processing.
-ML for Optical Data Analysis.
-ML for Image Generation and Synthesis.

Submission Guidelines:

Submission deadline: Dec. 31st, 2024 

- Please enter the CMT system and select the track you wish to contribute to.

Submit to CAIMLR using Microsoft CMT system here.

- You could also e-mail for submission and indicate that you are interested in Track 3: Machine Learning.