International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

and Machine Learning Research

CAIMLR 2024 | Singapore | September 28-29, 2024


CAIMLR | 新加坡 | 2024年9月28-29日

Track2-Artificial Intelligence

Chairman: Prof. Dianhui WANG (China University of Mining and Technology)

Dr. Wang is currently a professor and head of the AI Research Institute at China University of Mining and Technology. His working areas include machine learning, data mining, and Deep Stochastic Configuration Networks for data analytics in process industries. Dr Wang is a Senior Member of IEEE, and currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Information Sciences, Artificial Intelligence Review.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

-Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.
-AI-driven Simulation and Modeling.
-AI for Complex Image Understanding.
-AI in Optical System Design and Optimization.
-Neural Networks and Complex Systems.
-Hybrid Intelligent Systems.
-AI-assisted Image Quality Assessment.
-AI in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications.
-Neural Networks in AI Applications.
-AI-driven Smart Cities and Urban Planning.
-Ethics in AI and Automation.

Submission Guidelines:

Submission deadline: Dec. 31st, 2024 

- Please enter the CMT system and select the track you wish to contribute to.

Submit to CAIMLR using Microsoft CMT system here.

- You could also e-mail for submission and indicate that you are interested in Track 2: Artificial Intelligence.